Latin Scansion for iPad® and iPhone® - Now available!
Latin Scansion is the only App on the App Store which helps anyone learn how to accurately scan Latin poetry. Its simple and intuitive interface means it is easy to pick up but impossible to put down. Built with the Latin Advanced Placement® curriculum in mind, Latin Scansion has the Advanced Placement selection of lines from the entire syllabus of Vergil's Aeneid loaded right into the App with more free content planned for future updates.
- Simple touch interface to mark long and short syllables
- Receive immediate color-coded feedback
- Two modes: marathon and timed
- Start at any line in marathon mode (great for educators or students looking to practice a specific set of lines)
- Options of 2, 5, or 10 minutes in timed mode
- Advanced Placement selections from the entire Vergil syllabus
- Earn score multipliers for getting streaks of correct marks in a row
- Unlock achievements and beat your high scores
Planned Features in Next Update:
- Game Center integration
- Challenge your friends with Facebook and Twitter integration
Question, feedback, or help with Latin Scansion? Contact scansion@practomime.com