The Pericles Group

Print and Play Files

Make your own decks for free!

Select CARD-tamen™ and VERBA decks are available for free under a Creative Commons BY-SA-NC 4.0 license. This means that you can freely print and use these cards, remix your own decks, and share with others but you cannot use any of the materials for commercial purposes.

Making a single deck will take you about 30 minutes and cost about $7. For the best results, have the pdf file printed at an office super-store in full color and on heavy card stock. Just have the files print and then cut out the cards. It's that simple!

For added fun, make use of the "Universal Controversies" located on the Overview page and use cards from multiple decks for interdisciplinary debate.



The new language game, VERBA:

You may wish to have VERBA printed in black and white on heavy card stock in order to save on printing costs.


If you like what you see with any of the decks, they are available in our web store. VERBA: Español was successfully funded on Kickstarter and is available for sale along with Latin, English, and French versions. VERBA: 中文 (Chinese) is currently in beta preview.


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